Rare and ValuableMetals Recovery
GSAe technology employs a sequence of hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes to extract metals such as vanadium and nickel from a variety of feedstocks.
The core of the technology is acidic and alkaline leaching of feedstocks, followed by selective metal precipitation, filtration of the precipitates and roasting stages as required. The technology can be run in either batch or continuous configurations. Over many years we have optimised this technology, adapting the chemistry for different qualities of feed-stock to isolate and extract a variety of metals as high purity saleable products and leaving non-hazardous wastes.
Technology Feedstocks
- Power station fly ash
- Gasifier residue
- Flexicoke
- Slurry hydrocracking
- Spent sulphuric acid production catalyst
- Spent refinery processes catalyst
- Spent fine chemical and speciality chemical catalyst
- Ores and ore concentrates
Technology Advantages
- Power station fly ash
- Gasifier residue
- Flexicoke
- Slurry hydrocracking
- Spent sulphuric acid production catalyst
- Spent refinery processes catalyst
- Spent fine chemical and speciality chemical catalyst
- Ores and ore concentrates
We can help your processing become more efficient by
Re-Engineering Chemical Processes.
Re-Engineering Chemical Processes.
“We work with large-scale, global refining and processing plants to develop new, effective methods of cleaning up their operations, to provide more efficiency, higher and easier compliancy all whilst contributing to a greener future.”
Who We've Worked With
Kind Chemistry For A Cleaner World.
Get Consultancy & AdviceTackle niche problems on a global scale.
Specialist Engineering & Compliance Consultancy
Specialist Engineering & Compliance Consultancy
“We talk your language, and our vast experience in the chemical engineering field allows us to advise efficiently and effectively to solve the problems presented to us. Our capacities are wide ranging and we’re always looking to collaborate to provide our clients, and the environment the best outcome.”